# Error messages for user detail registration form
err_acct_num_req = Account Number is Required
err_acct_num_min = Account Number must be at least 5 characters
err_pm_verif_code_req = PM Verification Code is required
err_fname_req = Your First Name is required
err_lname_req = Your Last Name is required
err_old_pass_req = Current Password is required
err_cur_user_req = Current Username is required
err_user_format = Username must be in a valid email format
err_new_pass_req = New Password is required
err_new_pass_eight = Password must be at least 8 characters
err_new_pass_match = Your Password does not meet the minimum requirements
err_pass_req = A Password is required
err_pass_min = Your password must be at least 8 characters long
err_pass_2_req = Please confirm your Password
err_pass_2_match = Password does not match
err_status_req = Please select a status
err_email_req = Email format must be valid
err_username_req = Username is required
err_unit_format = Please enter a valid unit number
err_phone_req = Phone number is required
err_phone_format = Please enter a valid phone number
err_terms_req = Please accept our terms and conditions
err_level_credit_terms_req = Please accept Level Credit terms and conditions
err_add_mgmt_req = Street Address OR Management Company is required
err_search_min = Please enter more detailed search criteria
err_hoa_req = HOA Name is required
err_state_req = State is Required
err_co_name_req = Company Name is required
err_unit_number_req = Number of Units is required
err_unit_number_min = Number of Units must equal at least 1
err_unit_number_num = Only numbers are permitted in the Number of Units field
err_address_req = Address is required
err_city_req = City is required
err_zip_req = Zip is required
err_zip_min = Zip must be at least 5 digits
err_zip_num = Only numbers are permitted in the Zip field
err_pass1_req = A new password is required
err_pass2_req = Please confirm your password
err_tel1_maxlength = Phone cannot exceed 50 characters
err_invalid_characters = This field contains invalid Characters. Please correct to proceed.
# Error messages for pay portal registration
err_is_req = is required
err_is_greater_zero = amount must be greater than zero.
acct_num = Account Number
first_name= First Name
last_name = Last Name
err_please_conf = Please confirm your
err_please_select = Please select a
property = Property
unit = Unit
err_dont_match = does not match
err_bday_is_req = Birth Date is required
err_bday_format = Please enter Birth Ddate in format: MM/DD/YYYY
user_id_is_req = Please make a selection.
# Error messages for cash pay locations form
err_enter_zipcode = Please enter your Zip Code
err_zipcode_length = Zip Code must be 5 digits
err_radius_req = Please enter a Search Radius
# Error messages for resident UI
err_day_month_req = Day of Month is required
err_day_range = Day of Month must be between 1 and 28
err_acct_name_req = Account Name is required
err_bank_name_req = Bank Name is required
err_acct_type_req = Account Type is required
err_rout_num_req = Routing Number is required
err_rout_num_length = Routing Number must be 9 characters
err_rout_num_number = Routing Number must be numeric
err_acct_num_req = Account Number is required
err_acct_num_length = Account Number must be between 4 and 20 digits
err_acct_num_number = Account Number must be numeric
err_acct_conf_req = Confirm Account Number is required
err_acct_conf_match = Account Number does not match
err_card_num_req = Card Number is required
err_card_num_number = Card Number must be numeric
err_exp_mo_req = Expiration month is required
err_exp_yr_req = Expiration year is required
err_sec_code_req = CVV2 is required
err_sec_code_valid = Valid CVV2 is required
err_sec_code_number = CVV2 must be numeric
err_first_name_req = First Name is required
err_first_name_length = First Name must be at least 2 characters
err_first_name_no_digits = First Name cannot contain digits
err_last_name_req = Last Name is required
err_last_name_length = Last Name must be at least 2 characters
err_last_name_no_digits = Last Name cannot contain digits
err_bill_add_req = Billing Address is required
err_bill_city_req = Billing City is required
err_bill_state_req = Billing State is required
err_bill_zip_req = Billing Zip is required
err_bill_zip_valid = Please enter a valid Billing Zip
err_bill_country_req = Billing Country is required
err_ap_amount_req = Amount is required
err_ap_from_req = From Account is required
err_sys_err = An internal error has occurred Please try your request again or contact Customer Support
err_recur_pay_date_req = Payment Start Date is required
err_pay_freq_req = Payment Frequency is required
err_recur_final_date_req = Final Payment Date is required
err_recur_max_limit_numeric = Please enter a numeric value for Maximum Limit
err_recur_max_limit_req = Please enter a Maximum Value or uncheck the box
err_recur_max_limit_non_zero = Maximum Limit must be greater than 0
err_bank_acct_name_range = Name must be between 2 and 60 characters
err_bank_name_range = Bank Name must be between 3 and 50 characters
err_bank_routing_range = Routing Number must be 9 digits
err_bank_acct_num_range = Account Number must be between 4 and 20 digits
err_cc_num_range = Card Number must be between 2 and 25 digits
err_cc_cvv2_range = CVV2 must be between 1 and 4 digits
err_cc_fname_range = First Name must be between 2 and 60 characters
err_cc_lname_range = Last Name must be between 2 and 60 characters
err_cc_zip_range = Billing Zip must be between 5 and 9 digits
err_non_numeric = Payment amount must be numeric
err_type_please_choose = Please choose a Payment Account
err_choose_one = Choose at least one
err_email_format = Email Address is improperly formatted
err_alt_email_format = Alt Email is incorrectly formatted
err_mobi_req = Mobile Number is required
err_day_mobi_format = Mobile Number is incorrectly formatted
err_alt_mobi_format = Alt Mobile Number is incorrectly formatted
err_send_date_req = Recurring Send Date is required
err_ssn_req = Payer SSN is required
err_acct_ssn_length = SSN must be 9 digits
err_acct_ssn_dashes = Enter numbers only, no dashes
err_conf_ssn_req = Confirm SSN
err_conf_ssn_match = SSNs do not match
err_birth_date_req = Date of Birth is required
err_home_addr_req = Payer Street Address is required
err_home_addr_length = Payer Street Address must be at least 2 characters
err_home_city_req = Payer City is required
err_home_city_length = Payer City must be at least 2 characters
err_home_state_req = Payer State is required
err_home_zip_req = Payer Zip is required
err_home_zip_length = Payer Zip must be 5 digits
err_lease_end_req = Lease End Date is required
err_email_req = Email is required
err_phone_req = Phone Number is required
err_restricted_chars = Accepted special characters are - . , #
# Error messages for PM UI
pm_err_prop_type_req = Please Select Property Type
pm_err_prop_name_req = Property Name is required
pm_err_prop_add_req = Street Address is required
pm_err_prop_city_req = Property City is required
pm_err_prop_state_req = Please choose a State/Province
pm_err_prop_zip_req = Property Zip/Postal Code is required
pm_err_prop_unit_req = Unit Count is required
pm_err_prop_unit_num = Unit Count must be numeric
pm_err_prop_freq_start_month = Month on non-monthly Frequency must be selected
pm_err_prop_select_date = Please select a valid Date
pm_err_prop_dates_same = Due Date and Late Date cannot be the same
pm_err_prop_mailing_adr_req = Mailing Address is required
pm_err_prop_mailing_city_req = Mailing City is required
pm_err_prop_mailing_state_req = Mailing State is required
pm_err_prop_mailing_zip_req = Mailing Zip/Postal Code is required
pm_err_fname_req = First Name is required
pm_err_lname_req = Last Name is required
pm_err_tel1_req = Contact Phone Number is required
pm_err_tel1_format = Please enter a valid Phone Number
pm_err_tel1_maxlength = Contact Phone Number cannot exceed 50 characters
pm_err_tel2_maxlength = Alternate Contact Number cannot exceed 50 characters
pm_err_role_maxlength = Role cannot exceed 50 characters
pm_err_prop_format = Property Name is required
pm_err_home_addr_req = Home Street Address is required
pm_err_city_req = City is required
pm_err_state_req = State is required
pm_err_zip_req = Zip is required
pm_err_zip_min = Please enter a Zip of at least 5 digits
pm_err_zip_min_4 = Zip must be at least 4 digits
pm_err_zip_num = Zip must be a number
pm_err_sig_titl_req = Signer''s Title is required
pm_err_sig_name_req = Signer''s Name is required
pm_err_dob_req = Date of Birth is required
pm_err_acct_req = Account ID is required
pm_err_acct_conf_req = Please confirm Account ID
pm_err_acct_match = Account IDs don''t match
pm_err_email_req = Email Address is required
pm_err_email_format = Please enter a valid Email Address
pm_err_trans_id_req = Transaction Number is a required field
pm_err_trans_id_num = Transaction Number must be a number
pm_err_old_pass_req = Old Password is required
pm_err_pass_req = Password is required
pm_err_conf_req = You must confirm your new password
pm_err_pass_min = Password must be at least 8 characters
pm_err_pass_format = Password must contain at least 1 numeric and 1 alpha character
pm_err_pass_match = Passwords do not match
pm_err_no_file = Please choose a file to upload
export_btn_tooltip = Export Results
print_btn_tooltip = Print Results
close_btn_text = close
success_title = Success
error_title = Error
loading_chart_text = Loading Details ...
# PM Prop List JS lang
prop_delete_load_message = Please wait while we check if there are any pending payments or active autopays associated with this property.
prop_admin_confirm_del = By choosing to delete this property, all of the residents'' accounts will be deactivated and no new payments will be allowed to initiate. Any outstanding charges for this property will be invoiced the next business day. Do you wish to continue?
prop_pm_confirm_del = Are you sure you want to delete this property? This action cannot be undone. Any outstanding charges for this property will be invoiced the next business day.
prop_admin_pen_pymts_confirm_del = There are pending transactions in process for this property. By choosing to delete this property, all of the residents'' accounts will be deactivated and no new payments will be allowed to initiate; pending transactions will continue to process as scheduled. Any outstanding charges for this property will be invoiced the next business day. Do you wish to continue?
prop_pm_pen_pymts_confirm_del = There are pending transactions in process for this property. By choosing to delete this property, no new payments will be allowed to initiate; pending transactions will continue to process as scheduled. Any outstanding charges for this property will be invoiced the next business day. Do you wish to continue?
prop_admin_has_ap_confirm_del = Please note there are active AutoPays set up to this property. By deleting this property, all of the residents'' accounts will be deactivated and it will automatically cancel these AutoPays. AutoPays can be viewed in the AutoPay section. Do you wish to continue?
prop_pm_has_ap_confirm_del = Please note there are active AutoPays set up to this property. By deleting this property, it will automatically cancel these AutoPays. AutoPays can be viewed in the AutoPay section. Do you wish to continue?
err_gen_err = An error has occurred, please try again or contact support.
prop_delete_load_message = Please wait while we check if there are any pending payments or active autopays associated with this property.
btn_basic_search = Return to Basic Search
btn_adv_search = Perform Advanced Search
# PM Prop Lock JS lang
prop_lock_popup_warn = If you are performing your Month-End process, the selected property (or properties) must be in the future accounting period in your accounting software prior to {0} Pacific Time.
For questions, please contact support at 866-729-5327.
prop_unlock_popup_warn = Unlocking a property will open new batches and integrate transactions into your accounting software. If you are using this tool to perform Accounting Month End tasks, ensure your software is in the new accounting period prior to unlocking the property. For questions, please contact support at 866-729-5327.
prop_lock_popup_confirm = I Understand
prop_lock_popup_cancel = Cancel
prop_lock_selected_success = The properties you selected have been successfully locked.
prop_lock_unable_to_lock = We were unable to lock the properties. Please try again later.
prop_unlock_selected_success = The properties you selected have been successfully unlocked.
prop_unlock_selected_error = We were unable to unlock the properties. Please try again later.
type_ahead_view_all = View all
type_ahead_view_all_results = Results
# PM/Resident transaction pages
tool_amt_adj = This amount has been adjusted
tool_amt_denote = (debit amounts denoted with minus "-")
# Meter Health Report
mh_lbl_good_meters = Good Meters
mh_lbl_high_meters = High Meters
mh_lbl_low_meters = Low Meters
mh_lbl_zero_meters = Zero Meters
mh_sub_hlth_overview = Submeter Health Overview
mh_lbl_meters = Meters
gen_error = There was an error retrieving your data. Please let us know if this problem continues.
# Meter Data Report
md_lbl_meter_reads = Meter Reads
# Utility Charge Files
ucf_lbl_date = Date
ucf_lbl_filename = Filename
ucf_lbl_chg_items = Change Items
ucf_lbl_amount = Amount
ucf_lbl_dload = Download
# Utility ACH Files
ad_lbl_view = View
ad_lbl_download = Download
ad_lbl_view_bill = View Bill
ad_head_gl_detail = GL Files Details
# UEM Refunds/Expenses
uemr_lbl_refunds = Refunds
ueme_lbl_bills = Bills
ueme_lbl_details_bill = Details for Bill:
# UEM Reports
uemrp_lbl_utility = Utility
uemrp_title_chrg_type = Charge Type Breakdown by Percentage
uemrp_title_tot_util_spend = Total Utility Spend
uemrp_title_tot_bills_paid = Total Bills Paid
uemrp_title_spend_service = Spend By Service Type
uemrp_title_tot_amt_spent = Total Amount Spent
# Billing Reports
blrpt_title_st_count = Statement Count and Total Charges
blrpt_lbl_statement = Statements
blrpt_lbl_tot_chrgs = Total Charges
blrpt_lbl_stmt_count = Statement Count
blrpt_lbl_chrg_amt = Charge Amount
blrpt_title_hi_lo_avg = Zego High Low Average Report
# PM 1099k JS lang
pm_err_legal_name_req = Legal Name is required
pm_err_mail_careof_req = Mailing Address Care of is required
pm_err_mail_addr_req = Mailing Address is required
pm_err_mail_city_req = Mailing Address City is required
pm_err_mail_state_req = Mailing Address State is required
pm_err_mail_zip_req = Mailing Address Zip is required
pm_err_legal_zip_min = Legal Owner Address Zip must be at least 5 digits
pm_err_legal_zip_num = Legal Owner Address Zip must be a number
pm_err_mail_zip_min = Mailing Address Zip must be at least 5 digits
pm_err_mail_zip_num = Mailing Address Zip must be a number
pm_err_entity_type_req = Entity Type is required
pm_entity_type_corp = Corporation
pm_entity_type_ind_sp = Individual/sole proprietorship
pm_entity_type_llc = Limited liability company
pm_entity_type_partner = Partnership
pm_entity_type_tax_exempt = Tax exempt organization
pm_entity_type_gov_agency = Government agency
tax_ent_btn_add_profile = Add Profile
tax_ent_btn_upload_profile = Upload Profiles
tax_ent_lbl_tax_entities = Tax Entities
err_bill_code_req = Registration Code is required
err_user_acct_req = User selection is required
# Prebill Edit Confirmation Modal
prebill_edit_unit = Unit
prebill_edit_name = Name
prebill_edit_tenant_code = Tenant Code
prebill_edit_charge = Charge
prebill_edit_original_amount = Original Amount
prebill_edit_new_amount = New Amount
prebill_edit_occ_changes = Please note that changing an occupancy may impact all other occupant based charges
prebill_difference = Difference
prebill_show_historical = Show Historical Charges
prebill_hide_historical = Hide Historical Charges
prebill_table_too_wide = The table may be too wide to fit on your screen at this size. If you cannot make your browser window wider, consider clicking on Show Filters and unchecking some of the columns to hide them.
prebill_filtered_all_results = No matching results. Reset filters for updated results.
prebill_no_results = No matching records found.
prebill_estimate_1 = Average charge based on previous usage
prebill_estimate_2 = Average charge based on similar units
prebill_estimate_3 = Average charge using national daily averages
prebill_estimate_4 = Manual Estimation
prebill_true_up = True up - Previously estimated
prebill_auto_approve_message = Your PreBill will be auto-approved on
# Move Back In
move_back_in_invoice = Zego Monthly Charges
move_back_in_res_info = Resident Information
move_back_in_prop_name = Property Name
move_back_in_unit_number = Unit Number
move_back_in_tenant_code = Tenant Code
move_back_in_tenant_name = Tenant Name
move_back_in_charges_info = Charges Information
move_back_in_charge_name = Charge Name
move_back_in_charge_amount = Amount
move_back_in_processed_on = Processed On:
move_back_in_reverse_move_out = Reverse Move-out
move_out_reprocess = Reprocess Move-out
move_out_process = Process
move_out_charges = Move-out Charges
move_out_sm_estimate = Estimated Prorated Usage
move_out_sm_continue = Continue
move_out_no_charges = Invalid Move Out
move_out_no_historical = There are no charges available for this resident
move_out_auto_post = These charges will automatically post to your resident''s ledger
move_out_non_auto_post = These charges will not automatically post to your resident''s ledger, please verify that the service periods are accurate and then manually post these charges.
res_move_out = Move-out
# Move Out Zero Charge Messages
move_out_zero_require_read = Your property requires an actual read to generate final bill charges. A read is not currently available. If you believe this is inaccurate, please check back later or contact ClientBillingSupport@GoZego.com.
move_out_zero_prior_bill = The resident has already been invoiced for the specified service period, and the applicable charges have been removed from the final statement.
move_out_zero_no_credit = The calculation resulted in a credit amount, and per the client''s request, we do not include credits on final bills.
move_out_zero_no_data = There is no billing history available for this resident.
move_out_zero_ninety_day = Local regulations require final bill charges to be based on the resident''s consumption history. There is not a valid usage history for this resident to calculate a valid usage charge.
# Mass move out
unload_page_message = Are you sure you wish to leave the page? Unsaved data will not be saved.
# PM Bank Accounts JS lang
lbl_checkscan_bank_acct_warning = New check scanning transactions will continue to settle to the previous bank account until you receive a notification that the bank account has been updated.
lbl_load_bank_acct = Please wait - Loading Bank Accounts
lbl_view_more_props_page = View more on Properties page
bank_acct_type_checking = Checking
bank_acct_type_savings = Savings
# PM Invoice Configs JS lang
lbl_load_invoice_configs = Please wait - Loading Invoice Configs
lbl_load_invoice_items = Please wait - Loading Invoice Items
lbl_empty_invoice_items = No Recurring Invoice Items. Incurred Transaction Fees will be calculated and included in Invoices each month.
lbl_empty_invoice_configs = No Invoices
mail_invoice_config_edit_popup_msg = This change will result in Zego direct-debiting this bank account on the first business day of the month for all subsequent invoices. A '"'Paid Invoice'"' receipt will be provided by email each month.
# PM Invoices JS lang
lbl_load_invoice_configs = Please wait - Loading Invoices
lbl_empty_invoices = No Invoices
#PM Chargebacks JS lang
lbl_load_chargebacks = Please wait - Loading Chargebacks
lbl_empty_chargebacks = No Chargebacks
# Generic JS lang
lnk_edit = Edit
lnk_delete = Delete
lbl_show = show
lbl_rows = rows
lbl_showing = Showing
lbl_view_details = View Details
lbl_resend_email = Resend Email
lbl_cancel = Cancel
# Vacant Recovery Table Headers
vr_vendor_name = Vendor Name
vr_unit_number = Unit Number
vr_service_address = Service Address
vr_billing_date = Billing Date
vr_charge_type = Charge Type
vr_due_date = Due Date
vr_amount_due = Amount Due
vr_resident_name = Resident Name
vr_consumption_period = Resident Consumption Period
vr_resident_allocation = Resident Allocation
vr_resident_penalty = Resident Penalty
vr_property_responsibility = Property Responsibility
vr_account_number = Account Number
vr_details = Details
vr_bill_summary = Bill Summary
vr_unit_id = Unit ID
vr_bill_item_count = Item
vr_bill_items_count = Items
vr_detail_res_summary = Resident Summary
vr_detail_res_name = Resident Name
vr_detail_res_id = Resident ID
vr_detail_unit_number = Unit Number
vr_detail_move_in = Resident Move-In Date
vr_detail_move_out = Resident Move-Out Date
vr_detail_recovery_summary = Recovery Summary
vr_detail_billing_date = Resident Billing Date
vr_detail_service_start = Service Period Start
vr_detail_service_end = Service Period End
vr_detail_res_charge = Utility Charge to Resident
vr_detail_res_fee = Processing Fee
vr_detail_entry_date = Date Entered
# Deposits Debits Tutorial lang
tut_btn_close = Close
tut_btn_next = Next >
tut_btn_prev = < Previous
tut_btn_opt_out = Don''t show me this again
tut_dep_deb_1 = We''ve got some exciting news! In addition to viewing your Zego deposits, you now have visibility into the funds being debited from your bank account(s).
Click Next to take a quick tour of what''s new.
tut_dep_deb_2 = Want to only view your deposits? Simply use this filter and select Deposits Only. By default, this report will include both deposit and debit activity.
tut_dep_deb_3 = You can now use this filter to search by the last 4 digits of a bank account OR the account name.
Don''t forget, if you have a property with multiple bank accounts, you can use the Property filter to view all bank accounts tied to that property.
tut_dep_deb_4 = This column displays the deposit totals and debit totals you should expect to see on your bank statement.
tut_dep_deb_5 = This column displays the date that funds were either deposited or debited.
tut_refunds_1 = If you have any refundable transactions, you are now able to request the refund yourself! Simply click the Refund button on the right side of the table and a light-box form will appear allowing you to submit a full or partial refund (based on your refund settings).
Click Next to take a quick tour of what''s new.
tut_refunds_2 = If the Refund button shows in this column but is colored gray and disabled, this indicates that the transaction cannot be refunded because it does not meet the minimum criteria necessary for it to be refunded.
tut_refunds_3 = Hovering over any disabled Refund button will show the reason(s) why this transaction cannot be refunded.
tut_refunds_4 = You can now filter the table by Refunded transactions, which will show both Full & Partial refunds.
# PayDirect Onboarding Form
po_tooltip_legal_entity = Not your correct Legal Entity Type? Please contact your Client Account Representative to make a change
po_err_legal_entity_req = Legal Entity Type is required
po_err_yr_formed_req = Year Company Formed is required
po_err_bus_name_req = Legal Business Name is required
po_err_tax_id_req = Tax ID Number is required
po_err_bus_addr_req = Legal Business Address is required
po_err_bus_city_req = Legal Business City is required
po_err_bus_state_req = Legal Business State is required
po_err_bus_zip_req = Legal Business Zip is required
po_err_bus_country_req = Legal Business Country is required
po_err_percent_req = Percent of Ownership is required
po_err_percent_number = Ownership must be a whole number between 0 and 100
po_err_percent_range = Ownership must be between 1 and 3 characters
po_err_fname_req = First Name is required
po_err_fname_range = First Name must be 20 characters or less
po_err_lname_req = Last Name is required
po_err_lname_range = Last Name must be 20 characters or less
po_err_title_req = Title is required
po_err_title_range = Title must be 50 characters or less
po_err_email_req = Email is required
po_err_email_format = Email is not formatted correctly
po_err_email_range = Email must be 50 characters or less
po_err_add_req = Residential Address is required
po_err_add_range = Residential Address cannot be more than 60 characters
po_err_add_min = Residential Address must include 2 characters
po_err_add_po_box = Residential Address must not include a PO Box
po_err_add_special_char = Residential Address must not start with a special character
po_err_city_req = Residential City is required
po_err_city_range = Residential City cannot be more than 30 characters
po_err_city_min = Residential City must include a minimum of 2 characters
po_err_city_po_box = Residential City must not include a PO Box
po_err_city_special_char = Residential City must not start with a special character
po_err_state_req = Residential State is required
po_err_zip_req = Residential Zip is required
po_err_zip_number = Residential Zip must be a number
po_err_zip_range = Residential Zip must be 5 characters
po_err_dl_req = Driver''s License # is required
po_err_dl_range = Driver''s License # cannot be more than 25 characters
po_err_dob_req = DOB is required
po_err_ssn_req = SSN is required
po_err_ssn_number = SSN must contain only numbers
po_err_ssn_range = SSN must be 9 digits
po_err_phone_number_format = Phone Number must be valid and contain 10 digits
po_err_phone_number_ext_format = Phone Number Extension must be numerical only
util_bill_head_vendor_name = Vendor Name
util_bill_head_acct_num = Account Number
util_bill_head_acct_addr1 = Address 1
util_bill_head_acct_addr2 = Address 2
util_bill_head_bill_id = Bill ID
util_bill_head_unit_num = Unit Number
util_bill_head_service_addr = Service Address
util_bill_head_prev_bill_date = Previous Billing Date
util_bill_head_bill_date = Billing Date
util_bill_head_prev_amt_due = Previous Amount Due
util_bill_head_pay_date = Payment Due Date
util_bill_head_bill_type = Bill Type
util_bill_head_utility_group = Utility Type
util_bill_head_utility_descrip = Provider Utility Description
util_bill_head_date_paid = Date Paid
util_bill_head_amt_diff = Dollar Difference
util_bill_head_percent_diff = Percent Difference
util_bill_head_pay_amt = Payment Amount
util_bill_head_entry_date = Entry Date
max_statement_download_warning = You are attempting to download {{count}} statements. The system will only download the first {{max_count}} statements if you confirm this action. Utilize the page length filter to download {{max_count}} statements at a time. If you need assistance please contact Zego at (866)729-5327.
#BI Reports Tutorial
bi_dashboard_welcome = The new Portfolio Insights Dashboard is a powerful reporting tool that will help you make better data driven decisions. Click “Next” to get started.
bi_dasboard_customize = Your dashboard is now customizable. Click the gear icon here and tailor it to get the info you need quickly, every time you log in.
bi_dasboard_topnav = Click here to access a list of available reports.
bi_tut_scorecard = Quickly identify potential areas of focus and get optimization suggestions.
bi_tut_slider = Drill down into your data by clicking directly on each chart, or selecting your preferred zoom level.
bi_tut_propfilter = Select a property in the drop down menu to compare individual property performance to your overall portfolio.
bi_tut_sidefilter = Utilize filters and thresholds to slice data so it is meaningful for you.
bi_tut_save = Save custom reports, trigger alert emails based on thresholds and keep yourself and key stakeholders up to date on your properties through regularly scheduled emails.
bi_tut_chart = Quickly switch between high level visualizations and detailed report data.
bi_tut_export = Export your data in any convenient format presented here.
bi_report_export_copy = Copy
bi_report_export_print = Print
bi_report_export_excel = Export to Excel
bi_report_export_csv = Export to CSV
bi_report_export_pdf = Export to PDF
bi_report_chart_export_png = Export PNG
bi_report_chart_export_jpg = Export JPG
bi_report_chart_export_pdf = Export PDF
bi_report_chart_export_svg = Export SVG
bi_report_chart_view = Chart View
bi_report_data_view = Data View
bi_report_read_more = View more items...
bi_report_read_less = View less items...
bi_report_date_range_start = Start date:
bi_report_date_range_end = End date:
bi_report_date_range_error = Invalid date range
bi_report_date_1_month = Previous month
bi_report_date_3_month = Previous 3 months
bi_report_date_6_month = Previous 6 months
bi_report_date_12_month = Previous 12 months
bi_report_date_custom = Custom
bi_report_property_code = Property Code
bi_report_select_all = (Select/Deselect All)
bi_report_schedule_empty = No custom reports saved
bi_data_error = Error retrieving report data.
bi_excel_export_error = Error creating a file.
bi_excel_export_max_rows_error = The data set you are attempting to export is too large. Please use the report filters to reduce the data set to less than 300,000 entries.
bi_snapshot_total = Total
bi_snapshot_comparison = Comparison
bi_report_date = Date
bi_report_property = Property
bi_report_unit = Unit
bi_recoup_chart_title = Utility Recovery Performance
bi_recoup_chart_non_recoverable = Non-Recoverable Expense
bi_recoup_chart_recouped_expense = Recouped Expense
bi_recoup_chart_billable_expense = Billable Expense
bi_recoup_trend_chart_title = Utility Recovery Trends
bi_recoup_trend_port_billable = Portfolio Billable Recoup
bi_recoup_trend_port_total = Portfolio Total Recoup
bi_recoup_trend_cmp_billable = Billable Recoup Comparison
bi_recoup_trend_cmp_total = Total Recoup Comparison
bi_recoup_scorecard_text = Based on your total eligible recovery rate, the properties you have selected are averaging a {score} utility recoupment rate. Contact your Zego Client Success Specialist for tips on maximizing your allowable utility recovery.
bi_recoup_2_scorecard_text = You are a part of a beta group invited to test a brand new report that aligns your utility recoupment on three different periods to build a more accurate recoupment percentage. By matching the utility service period and the Zego billing period you are able to see a side-by-side analysis of the exact dollar amount recouped for that utility invoice.
bi_recoup_underperforming = Utility recoupment rates for the following properties are below average compared to your current selection:
bi_recoup_total_recoup = Total Recoup
bi_recoup_billale_recoup = Billable Recoup
bi_recoup_utility_expense = Utility Expense
bi_recoup_billable_expense = Billable Expense
bi_recoup_utility = Utility
bi_recoup_charge_type = Charge Type
bi_recoup_total_provider_expense = Total Provider Expense
bi_recoup_billable_provider_exp = Billable Expense
bi_recoup_provider_consumption = Provider Consumption
bi_recoup_service_period_start = Service Period Start
bi_recoup_service_period_end = Service Period End
bi_recoup_chargeback_percent = Chargeback %
bi_recoup_total_sm_consumption = Total Submetered Consumption
bi_recoup_sub_metered_rate = Submetered Rate
bi_recoup_nrexpense = Non-Recoverable Expense
bi_recoup_total_billed = Total Billed
bi_recoup_billable_recoup_pct = Billable Recoup %
bi_recoup_total_recoup_percent = Total Recoup %
bi_recoup_mo_total_billed = Total Billed w/ Move Out
bi_recoup_mo_billable_recoup = Billable Recoup % w/ Move Out
bi_recoup_mo_recoup = Total Recoup % w/ Move Out
bi_recoup_mo_tooltip = Move Out Charges can be dynamic if move outs are processed after the end of the billing period
bi_recoup_service_period = Zego Service Period
bi_move_out_total = Move Out Total
bi_move_out_resident_name = Resident Name
bi_move_out_resident_id = Resident Id
bi_move_out_move_in_date = Move In Date
bi_move_out_move_out_date = Move Out Date
bi_move_out_charge_name = Charge
bi_move_out_charge_amount = Charge Amount
bi_move_out_snapshot = Move-Out Utility Charges Details
bi_move_out_trend = Move-Out Utility Charges Trends
bi_move_out_trend_series = Move-Outs
bi_move_out_trend_series_cmp = Move-Outs - Comparison Period
bi_uem_date_range_error = Date range is limited to 36 months.
bi_uem_scorecard = Based on the utility expense that has been processed, for the properties you have selected, the following variances have been calculated. For more details drill down into the report.
bi_uem_underperforming = The following properties have the highest average variance in expense over the date range selected:
bi_uem_cost = Cost
bi_uem_bill_count = Bill Count
bi_uem_variance = % Variance
bi_uem_provider_name = Provider Name
bi_uem_month = Month
bi_uem_year = Year
bi_uem_percent_variance = Percent Variance
bi_uem_amount = Amount
bi_uem_threshold_variance = % Variance
bi_uem_trend_chart = Property Utility Expense Trends
bi_uem_dollar_amount = Dollar Amount
bi_uem_count_trend_chart = Property Utility Bill Trends
bi_vcr_scorecard = {score} of your utilities for occupied units are in the current tenant''s name and billing properly. For tips on improving this number, contact your Zego Client Success Specialist.
bi_vcr_underperforming = The following residents have the highest number of utility violations:
bi_vcr_violation_date = Violation Date
bi_vcr_due_date = Due Date
bi_vcr_start_date = Vacant Start Date
bi_vcr_end_date = Vacant End Date
bi_vcr_tenant_code = Resident ID
bi_vcr_tenant_name = Resident Name
bi_vcr_unit_number = Unit Number
bi_vcr_utility = Utility
bi_vcr_resident_responsibility = Resident Responsibility
bi_vcr_pm_responsibility = PM Responsibility
bi_vcr_resident_violation_count = Resident Violation Count
bi_vcr_property_violation_count = Property Violation Count
bi_vcr_fee_amount = Fee Amount
bi_vcr_dispute_status = Dispute Status
bi_vcr_charge_amount = Charge Amount
bi_vcr_violation_chart_title = Vacant Unit Cost Recovery Details
bi_vcr_charge_total = Charge Total
bi_vcr_fee_total = Fee Total
bi_vcr_trend_chart_title = Vacant Unit Cost Recovery Trends
bi_vcr_dollar_amount = Dollar Amount
bi_vcr_number_of_violations = # of Violations
bi_vcr_total_violations = Total Violations
bi_vcr_total_violations_port = Total Violations (Portfolio)
bi_sm_usage_meter = Meter
bi_sm_usage_utility = Utility
bi_sm_usage_reading = Reading
bi_sm_usage_rate = Rate
bi_sm_usage_volume_break = Volume Break
bi_sm_usage_unit_ratio = Unit Ratio
bi_sm_usage_conversion_factor = Conversion Factor
bi_sm_usage_reading_date = Reading Date
bi_sm_usage_daily_avg_usage = Daily Average Usage
bi_sm_usage_daily_avg_cost = Daily Average Cost
bi_sm_rate_change_1 = This rate was changed on
bi_sm_rate_change_2 = , the report will display the most recent rate. To get more accurate data please adjust your filtered dates.
bi_sm_usage_report_chart_title = Submeter Usage Details
bi_sm_usage_trend_chart_title = Submeter Usage Trends
bi_sm_health_meter = Meter
bi_sm_health_service_type = Service Type
bi_sm_health_last_read = Last Read
bi_sm_health_last_read_date = Last Read Date
bi_sm_health_error_message = Error Message
bi_sm_health_error_date = Error Date
bi_sm_health_usage_month = Usage Average Last Month
bi_sm_health_usage_date_range = Usage Over Date Range
bi_sm_health_usage_avg_daily_use = Average Daily Use
bi_sm_health_usage_last_count = Days Since Last Read Date
bi_sm_health_usage_system_type = Read System Type
bi_sm_health_usage_months_est = Months Estimated
bi_sm_health_usage_periods_est = Estimated Billing Periods
bi_sm_health_healthy_meters = Based on the date range and properties selected, your meters are {score} healthy.
bi_sm_health_contact_paylease = To address unhealthy meters, please create a support case {repair_link} and our submetering team will work with our technician partners to resolve unhealthy meters.
bi_sm_health_underperforming = The following properties have less healthy meters than the rest of your portfolio:
bi_sm_health_healthy = Healthy
bi_sm_health_unhealthy = Unhealthy
bi_sm_health_snapshot = Current Snapshot of Meter Health
bi_sm_comparison_range = Comparison Range
bi_sm_health_remaining = Remaining
bi_sm_health_chart_title = Submeter Health Details
bi_sm_health_meter = Current Meter Health
bi_sm_health_cmp_meter_pct = Comparison Meter Health %
bi_sm_health_trend_title = Submeter Health Trends
bi_sm_health_health_cmp = Healthy Comparison
bi_portfolio_level = Portfolio Level
bi_high_low_avg_max = Maximum
bi_high_low_avg_avg = Average
bi_high_low_avg_min = Minimum
bi_high_low_avg_max_to_avg = Max - Avg Difference
bi_high_low_avg_min_to_avg = Avg - Min Difference
bi_high_low_avg_util_description = Charge Description
bi_high_low_avg_utility = Utility
bi_high_low_avg_snap_title = High-Low-Average Snapshot
bi_high_low_avg_trend_title = High-Low-Average Trend
bi_change_request_snapshot = Utility PreBill Adjustment Snapshot
bi_change_request_trend = Utility PreBill Adjustment Trends
bi_change_request_trend_series = Difference
bi_change_request_trend_series_cmp = Difference - Comparison Period
bi_change_request_billing_period = Billing Period
bi_change_request_property = Property
bi_change_request_resident_id = Resident ID
bi_change_request_resident_name = Resident Name
bi_change_request_unit = Unit Number
bi_change_request_utility = Utility
bi_change_request_original_charge = Original Charge
bi_change_request_requested_charge = Requested Charge
bi_change_request_final_charge = Final Charge
bi_change_request_difference = Difference
bi_change_request_date_requested = Date Requested
bi_change_request_user_name = User Name
bi_change_request_user_comments = User Comments
bi_change_request_request_count = Request Count
bi_change_request_difference_tooltip = Final Charge - Original Charge
bi_consumption_title = Cost and Consumption
bi_consumption_history = Consumption Year Over Year
bi_consumption_month_and_year = Month and Year
bi_consumption_provider = Utility Provider
bi_consumption_service_type = Service Type
bi_consumption_bill_type = Bill Type
bi_consumption_unit_of_measure = Unit of Measure
bi_consumption_cost_per_unit = Cost Per Unit
bi_consumption_usage = Usage
bi_consumption_total_cost = Total Cost
bi_consumption_service_period = Service Period
bi_consumption_account_number = Account Number
bi_consumption_service_address = Service Address
bi_consumption_cost = Cost
bi_consumption_bill_image_link = Link To Utility Bill
bi_loading_residents = Please wait - Loading Residents
prebill_chrg_summ_dialog = Charge Summary
prebill_chrg_hist_dialog = Charge History
prebill_sm_utility = Utility
prebill_sm_billable_expense = Billable Expense
prebill_sm_total_expense = Total Expense
prebill_sm_prov_usage = Provider Usage
prebill_sm_rates = Rates
prebill_sm_volume_breaks = Volume Breaks
prebill_sm_prov_srvc_period = Provider Service Period
prebill_sm_pl_srvc_period = Zego Service Period
prebill_sm_submeter_usage = Submeter Usage
prebill_sm_total_billed = Total Billed
prebill_sm_total_recoup_pct = Total Recoup %
prebill_sm_billable_rcp_pct = Billable Recoup %
prebill_rb_utility = Utility
prebill_rb_alloc_method = Allocation Method
prebill_rb_chargeback_pct = Chargeback %
prebill_rb_billable_expnse = Billable Expense
prebill_rb_total_expense = Total Expense
prebill_rb_prov_usage = Provider Usage
prebill_rb_prov_svc_period = Provider Service Period
prebill_rb_pl_svc_period = Zego Service Period
prebill_rb_tot_billed = Total Billed
prebill_rb_tot_recoup_pct = Total Recoup %
prebill_rb_bill_rcp_pct = Billable Recoup %
prebill_vcr_records = Vacant Recovery Records
mmoc_resend_emails = Resend Move Out Statement Emails
mmoc_generating_images = Generating statement images
mmoc_generating_images_timeout = Timed out waiting for statement images
netsuite_invoice_integration_errors_title = Netsuite Invoice Integration Errors
netsuite_invoice_payment_integration_errors_title = Netsuite Invoice Payment Integration Errors
netsuite_invoice_payment_errors_no_errors_to_display = No invoice payment errors to display
netsuite_invoice_payment_errors_loading_errors = Loading invoice payment errors